University of Maryland Ohio State Football Game Honors Hall of Fame Inductees
There is no sugar coating Charlie’s life, it’s been a challenge! However, Charlie is a tremendous person and I have developed a friendship with him over the past two years. Charlie has helped me personally become a more complete person and it’s been a blessing to try and learn more about him and what he has overcome in his life.
The Charlie ’D’ Wysocki Team has been tremendous in helping Charlie come back to living in what many would call a normal life. Charlie is ’challenged’ by his Bi-Polar Disorder, but it has not and never will stop Charlie’s resolve to see ’life’ through. Charlie has been deeply helped by his long time companion and girlfriend Emma Sims. In addition, his fellow Terps at the University of Maryland have been tremendous in helping Charlie with things all of us take for granted.
Charlie has tremendous patience, he has been wanting to do a football camp for young people in the community for the past couple of years. We have yet to help accomplish one of many goals/dreams that Charlie has. He takes deep pride in the community that he grew up in and wants to help young people, the way he was helped back in the 1970’s.
Life is a journey of up’s and downs and Charlie continues to climb higher. I find Charlie to be grounded and yet hungry to achieve. We all have challenges in life and Charlie continues to face his and work towards helping anyone and everyone he comes in contact with. I wish the very best to Charlie and his future endeavors, he always dreams big and I’m rooting for him every step of the way.
John Mendola
Charlie worked for me in 2013. He is compassionate, friendly, and full of good ideas. He is a wonderful role model and mentor to individuals who struggle with mental illness. His unique story and success have been and will continue to be an inspiration to many.
Adam Bender
I am a police officer with the University of Maryland in College Park. I have worked here at UMCP since 1988. I had occasion to “meet up” with Charlie in April of 1995. We had a call for a suspicious person who wanted to watch TV in Annapolis Hall. I cant go into details because of confidentiality protections but I had a positive interaction with Charlie in a moderately stressful situation. I found out about Charlie through some of the ER staff at Washington Adventist Hospital which helped me understand the challenges Charlie faced. I recently saw Charlie with his former teammates from UM Football at the Maryland/Syracuse Basketball game. I truly respect Charlie and the strides he has made as a man and
person. I hope he considers me a friend. I hope he can speak to our Police Academy students and help them learn how to deal appropriately with special populations. God Bless You, Charlie
Jerry Martin
This past spring the Elizabeth HS football team was honored to have a special guest, former University of Maryland great Charlie Wysoscki. Charlie was introduced by New Jersey football legend and former NFL player Dave D’Addio. Dave spoke of Charlie’s wonderful accomplishments as a “Terp” and also of his struggles with mental illness that Charlie has worked so hard to overcome. Charlie’s story was powerful and emotional from that heights of a potential NFL career to the depths of his struggles with bi-polar disorder. Our players and coaches sat in stunned silence as Charlie depicted his story to a group of hardened urban youth. It was a moving and beneficial experience for all , and showed how quickly the fame and glory earned on the gridiron can allude even the nation’s finest athletes .It also opened all of our eyes to the prevalence of mental illness in our country and the devastating effects of mental illness when not properly treated. Afterward Charlie talked with our kids warmly and openly as he shared tips on weight training and football skills. Our players really enjoyed their visit with Charlie and many of the players picked up and read autographed copies of Charlie’s book” Saddle Up Charlie” that were donated by Dave D’Addio.
The staff at Elizabeth High School would like to thank all involved for sharing this tremendous experience with our players. It is a day we will not forget.
John Quinn
Head Football Coach
Elizabeth Public Schools
I have known Charlie from his playing days at Wilkes-Barre Meyers H.S. through his career at the University of Maryland. Since that time I became reacquainted with Charlie in 2000 as he was a periodic visitor to our games. Most recently he was awarded our Football Community Service Award for his ongoing work with youth and the recognition of mental health issues. The ceremony took place at halftime of our game vs. Wyoming Area. His importance to our football program was underscored as he visited the team during the last week of the season and gave an inspiring talk about his love for the high school and the passion for the game that provides memories which last a life time.
I truly cannot comprehend the struggles, of which Charlie dealt with during his most difficult times, I am sure though, they were times which questioned his very existence. However, of my time with him most recently, one needs not to look any further then to his face and eyes, as they not only tell a story of resiliency but also the love he has for life. In my opinion, I can truly state that he has found an inner peace and a purpose in life. Alumni such as Charlie are a true success story that is written and rewritten each day.
Throughout the school year, our hope is to have Charlie visit our athletic teams to continue his story and deliver a message that has tremendous value in the education/coaching of our athletes. Should you have any questions our concerns, please contact me at Wilkes-Barre Meyers High School as it would be an honor to speak with you. Thank you for your time and patience.
Mr. Michael Namey
Athletic Director, Wilkes- Barre Meyers High School
It is with pleasure that I write this letter of recommendation for Charlie Wysocki who, under my pastorship, is a member in good standing at Moving River Ministries and has attended church here several times over the past two years. Charlie is always a great encourager in addtion to an enthusiastic supporter who always has an optimistic outlook.
I have known Charlie personally for more than forty years and I am very familiar with the condition he has being bi-polar. In the community I have witnessed Charlie participate as a mentor, motivator and coach. He is a proven overcomer and will stop at nothing to help others succeed which makes him a true success story.
Throuhout his life he has consistently displayed a remarkable ability to rebound and bounce back in high stress situations and to never quit. I am looking forward to Charlie and Emma growing and helping our church grow over the next few years as we will call upon his passion for youth and instinctive coaching ability.
It is a sincere privilige to know Charlie and I give you my highest recommendation with confidence that Charlie will use his experience and abilities to serve all of humanity well.
Adam N. McGahee
Pastor Moving River Ministries
Wilkes Barre, PA 18702
It is aways an honor to hear Charlie Wysocki tell his story, he has an impact on young aspiring athletes while reminding everyone that we can’t take anything in life for granted! I look forward to seeing Charlie share his story with more schools and sports teams nationally! Dan Lamagna Lackawanna College Dean of students North East PA Miners Founder